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Archived Curricula Guide 2009–2011
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LATAA5 Special Courses, 9 ECTS

Learning outcomes

To introduce students to the study of different sectors of antiquity and its traditions


Courses can be completed through book exams or essays. Book exams must be agreed upon separately; the books mentioned are examples.

a) Introduction to the Study of Antiquity 3 ECTS, Lectures, or a selection of following books: Morley, Writing Ancient History (1,5 ECTS); Castren-Frösen, Johdatus antiikin tutkimukseen (1,5 ECTS); Crawford, Sources for Ancient History (2 ECTS): Bagnall, Reading papyri, Writing ancient history (1,5 ECTS)

b) Topography and Urban Culture 3 ECTS, For example two of the following: Camp J.M. & Renfrew C, Athenian Agora: excavations in the Heart of Classical Athens (1992); Claridge A. et al., Rome: An Oxford Archaeological Guide; Krautheimer R., Rome. Profile of a City, 312-1308; Owens E.J. The City in the Greek and Roman World (1991). A field trip and a report on it may count as an acceptable performance upon a separate agreement.

c) History of Philosophy and Ideas in Ancient World 3 ECTS, 2

d) Greek Language and Culture 4-8 ECTS, Select 1-3 of the following: Basic Course in Greek 4 ECTS; Extensive Course in Greek 4 ECTS; Greek Literature 3 ECTS A book exam: translation poetry and prose from the following books, for example: Iliad (1,5 ECTS) or Odyssey (1,5 ECTS). Lyric poetry: Oksala Oksala, Kreikkalaisia kirjailijakuvia p. 27 109; Sapfo (Translation by Junkola or Saarikoski); Theokritos, Idyllejä (altogether 1,5 ECTS): Ksenofon, Kyyroksen sotaretki (1,5 ECTS); Plato, Faidon, Faidros and Symposium (1,5 ECTS); One drama by Aeschylous, Sophocles, Euripides and Aristophanes (1,5 ECTS).

e) Classical Rhetoric 3 ECTS, Lectures or a presentation of some rhetoric theory with comments, such as Aristotle or Cicero in accordance with the instructions given by the teacher in charge.

f) Cultural Heritage of Ancient Greece and Rome 3 ECTS, Lectures, or, for example: Jenkyns (ed.): The Legacy of Rome: A New Appraisal (3 ECTS).

g) Historical Grammar of Latin 3 ECTS A book exam: Lundström, Latinets ljud- och formhistoria; Palmer, The Latin Language (syntax).

Belongs to following modules

Department of History and Philosophy
Intermediate Studies (Latin Language and Classical Heritage)
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Special Courses

LATAA5C Ancient Philosophy, 3 ECTS
LATAA5D Greek Language and Culture, 4–11 ECTS
LATAA5E Classical Rhetoric, 3 ECTS
LATAA5F The Classical Heritage, 3 ECTS
Department of History and Philosophy