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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2017–2019
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Basic Studies in Mathematics and Statistics, 25 op


Numeric 1-5.

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Basic Studies in Mathematics and Statistics

One element from below
According to the competence area: Mathematics or Statistics.
Mathematics, Teacher Education 25 ECTS
Studies in Analysis 5 ECTS
One element from below
MTTMP1A Introduction to Analysis, 5 ECTS
KASMAT4 Analysis for Teachers, 5 ECTS
Studies in Algebra 5 ECTS
One element from below
MTTMP4 Algebra 1A, 5 ECTS
MTTMP3 Linear algebra 1A, 5 ECTS
MTTTP4 Elementary probability, 5 ECTS
Statistics 25 ECTS
MTTMP1A Introduction to Analysis, 5 ECTS
MTTMP3 Linear algebra 1A, 5 ECTS
MTTTP4 Elementary probability, 5 ECTS
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