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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2012–2015
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Sustainable development study module, 25–35 op

Learning outcomes

The Sustainable Development Study Programme implements Tampere University’s strategy in educating students who understand the world and are willing to change it. The Study Programme is coordinated by the School of Social Sciences and Humanities. The Programme offers students an opportunity to understand and identify local and global questions, which are related to the wellbeing of all nations and the environment, today and in the future. Since the Study Programme consists of studies from different Schools at University of Tampere, it highlights especially the sociocultural dimension of sustainable development.
The aim of the Sustainable Development Study Programme is to make students become interested in a sustainable way of life as well as prepare them to take part, influence and function together with different people in multicultural communities. The student will also understand how University of Tampere attempts to promote sustainable development in its own operations.
Ultimately, the learning goals of the Sustainable Development Study Programme will be determined by each individual student because it is possible to choose some of the courses from several options available.


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