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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2012–2015
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Free choice studies


The free choice courses can be selected from all three subjects of the programme, from a course list published every year (including the courses below). Free choice studies can also be selected from any other courses at the University of Tampere open for the students of the RES programme.

Requirements by specialization:
- Students of Russian Language and Culture need to include at least 10 ECTS of RES courses from the other two subjects in their free choice studies.
- Students of International Relations need to include at least 5 ECTS of RES courses from the other two subjects in their free choice studies.
- Students of Sociology: Free choice courses do not need to include courses from other RES subjects.

Belongs to following modules

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Free choice studies

Students of Russian Language and Culture: a minimum of 20 ECTS. Students of International Relations and Sociology: a minumum of 18 ECTS.
RES16 Russian Politics, 5 ECTS
VENS7 Verbal Aspect Theory, 5 ECTS
VENS9 Lexicology, 5 ECTS
VENS10 Media Discourse, 5 ECTS
VENS11 Sociolinguistics, 5 ECTS
VENS12 Multimodality, 5 ECTS
RES20 Internship, 5 ECTS