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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2017–2019
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Programme Specific Studies, 40 op


All courses in this study module will be based on extensive reading, discussions and research papers. Students of the Master's Programme in Global and Transnational Studies are required to complete GTS2-GTS4 (10 ECTS each). In addition, they must complete elective courses worth a minimum of 10 ECTS.
Some of the courses are also offered to students of other Master's programs as free choice courses.

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Programme Specific Studies

Students of the Master's Programme in Global and Transnational Studies are required to complete GTS2-GTS4 (10 ECTS each). In addition, they must complete elective courses worth a minimum of 10 ECTS.
GTS4 Media and Globalization, 5–10 ECTS
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