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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2012–2015
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Russian Studies, 25 op

Learning outcomes

The successful completion of this module:

- familiarises participants with the history and basic concepts in Russian research,
- immerses participants in the different aspects of Russian society and their interactions, and
- introduces information and concepts necessary for further Russian studies in the chosen speciality (history, culture, media, political research or sociology).


The Russian Studies module is a multidisciplinary approach on Russia. It covers Russian history, culture, media, and social and political structures of Russian society. The module is optional and available to all students at the University of Tampere and the students at the Finnish Master's School in Russian and Eastern European Studies. Participation does not require preceding Russian studies. The teaching language is English, and the teachers are experts in Russian studies from Finland and other countries.

The courses can be taken in the desired order.
Any course can be taken either by attending the contact teaching, an exam, or a combination of both. The teacher of each course gives a grade on its completion on a scale of 1–5 (1= lowest, 5= highest).


Numeric 1-5.

Before obtaining the grade for the entire module, all courses must be successfully completed. Please see the person in charge of the module for the module grade.

Module evaluation is the grade point average of all courses in it.

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Russian Studies

RUST1 Russian Culture, 5 ECTS
RUST2 Russian Politics, 5 ECTS
RUST3 Russian History, 5 ECTS
RUST4 Russian Society, 5 ECTS
RUST5 Russian Media, 5 ECTS
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