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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2017–2019
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Basic Studies in English Language, Literature and Translation, 30– op

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of Basic Studies in English Language, Literature and Translation, the student will be able to use the English language in a grammatically correct and appropriate manner according to the communication situation. The student will be able to apply their knowledge of English phonetics in their oral communications. The student will be able to design and write an academic text, demonstrating a command of content and language. The student will be familiar with the practices of academic discussion and will be able to formulate and justify their arguments.

The student will be able to identify and define the basic concepts and terminology of phonetics and grammatical analysis, as well as define and describe different structures of the English language. The student will be able to compare different genres of literature and perceive the linguistic, historical, and social dimensions of texts in literature and nonfiction. The student will know the basic principles of translation and will be able to apply this knowledge to simple translation assignments from English into Finnish.

The student who successfully completes the Language and Literature study path will have a good command of and will be able to define the basic terminology of English grammar and will be familiar with the basic concepts and terminology of linguistic analysis. The student will be able to explain and assess language structures and meanings as well as factors that affect language use. The student will be able to describe and compare English literature in different eras and countries and its development in related historical and national contexts.

Upon successful completion of the Translation and Interpreting study path the student will be able to apply their knowledge of professional translation to translation assignments in the Finnish–English language pair. The student will be able to identify and define the essential features of both British and American society, as well as to compare these features with those of the Finnish society.


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Basic Studies in English Language, Literature and Translation

Free Choice Studies
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ENGP10 Other Basic Studies, 1–10 ECTS
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