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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2017–2019
Selaamasi opetussuunnitelma ei ole enää voimassa. Tarkista tiedot voimassa olevasta opetussuunnitelmasta.
Doctoral Studies, 30 op

Learning outcomes

Section 21 of the Government Decree on University Degrees defines the objectives of scientific doctoral education. The aim is that the student:

1) becomes well-versed in his/her own field of research and its social significance;

2) gains knowledge and skills needed to apply scientific research methods independently and critically and to produce new scientific knowledge within his/her field of research;

3) becomes conversant with the development, basic problems and research methods of his/her own field of research;

4) gains such knowledge of the general theory of science and of other disciplines relating to his/her own field of research as enables him/her to follow developments in them;

5) achieves sufficient communication and language skills as well as other ablities that are necessary in order to function in the working life in broad and demanding expert and development positions and in international cooperation.


Doctoral studies (30 ECTS) consist of doctoral courses, seminars and other activities. Each student must draw up a personal study and supervision plan together with his/her supervisor(s). As doctoral courses, seminars, etc. are designed to support the dissertation process, it is recommended that students start taking them as early as possible. A course on research ethics is compulsory, for example TAYJ12.



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