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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2012–2015
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POLVOS20 Specialisation Studies in Political Science, 10 op

Learning outcomes

After completing the module the student possesses a sophisticated understanding of their chosen sub-field of political science.

Belongs to following modules

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Specialisation Studies in Political Science

One element from below
POLVOS21 Political Systems Outside of Europe, 10 ECTS (1.aut / 1.spr / 2.aut / 2.spr)
POLVOS22 The European Union, 10 ECTS (1.aut / 1.spr / 2.aut / 2.spr)
POLVOS23 Civil Society and Political Participation, 10 ECTS (1.aut / 1.spr / 2.aut / 2.spr)
POLVOS24 Political Philosophy, 10 ECTS (1.aut / 1.spr / 2.aut / 2.spr)
POLVOS25 Political Communication and Rhetoric, 10 ECTS (1.aut / 1.spr / 2.aut / 2.spr)
POLVOS26 Public Policy and Governance, 10 ECTS (1.aut / 1.spr / 2.aut / 2.spr)
POLVOS27 Political Systems, 10 ECTS (1.aut / 1.spr / 2.aut / 2.spr)
POLVOS28 Parties and Elections, 10 ECTS (1.aut / 1.spr / 2.aut / 2.spr)