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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2017–2019
Selaamasi opetussuunnitelma ei ole enää voimassa. Tarkista tiedot voimassa olevasta opetussuunnitelmasta.
General studies, 1–12 op

Learning outcomes

The aim of the General Studies is to help the student to get started with his/her studies promptly, to prepare a personal study plan and to utilize efficiently the services available at University of Tampere. The extent of the General studies in the Master's degree programme is dependent on each student's educational history:
A) International students
B) Students with school education in Finnish and Bachelor's degree completed outside previous BioMediTech, University of Tampere
C) Students who have completed Bachelor's degree at previous BioMediTech, University of Tampere

After completing General studies, the student:
- understands what it takes to study at university level; the student knows the structure of the Master's degree programme (MDP), knows how to plan the studies independently and responsibly, and realizes the importance of his/her independent work to progress in studies.
- is able to successfully carry out his/her studies in a Finnish university following good scientific conduct.
- knows how to communicate in academic and working life and how to develop these skills independently.
- has a general/basic understanding of the scope of three study options (molecular biology, cell technology and bioinformatics) offered in the Master's degree programme.


The courses in the general studies cover topics such as orientation, study skills and study planning (including writing a personal study plan and a course of information literacy offered by the library) that are recommended for all new students. The scientific writing course is compulsory for those that do not have these skills included in their previous degree. An introductory course to the three study options in the MDP in biomedical technology (molecular biology, cell technology and bioinformatics) is compulsory for all students that have taken their BSc degree outside the University of Tampere. For foreign students, an elementary course in Finnish language is recommended as part of the optional studies.


Numeric 1-5.

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General studies

General studies in the MDP in Biomedical Technology varies depending on the student's educational background. Please coose below only one of the three options A, B or C.
General studies for international students 12 ECTS
All the elements to be completed
Compulsory studies 12 ECTS
All the elements to be completed
B) General studies for students with education in Finnish and BSc taken outside BMT, UTA 7 ECTS
Compulsory studies 7 op
Course KKRUBMT Swedish written and Oral Communication 4 ECTS is required if no Swedish studies were taken in the Bachelor´s degree
General studies for students who have taken their BSc at BMT, UTA 1 ECTS
Compulsory studies 1 ECTS
Basics of information literacy is not required, only personal study planning 1 ECTS from BTK0033.
BTK0025 Personal Study Planning, 1 ECTS
Lääketieteen ja biotieteiden tiedekunta