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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2015–2017
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Research-related Doctoral Studies, 40 op


These studies consist of research methodology, studies deepening the student's knowledge of his/her major subject and research field, and other studies. These studies must also include studies in research ethics.

These studies may include intermediate courses in the major subject or some other subject, a thesis and other advanced courses in a minor subject, and research-related studies which exceed the minimum requirements of a Master's degree. Credit can also be given for courses taken at Doctoral Schools or abroad and for articles and other publications, conference papers and other scientific activities. The types of study that fall into the category of research-related studies are described below.

a) Courses expanding on the Master's degree
The supervisor and the doctoral student will plan these courses on a case-by-case basis. They may entail studies in the main topics of the student's major subject as well as intermediate, advanced or doctoral studies in the major subject or other subjects as agreed with the supervisor. All courses must be relevant for the student's degree. Courses in university pedagogy may also be included.

b) Studies in the field of the dissertation
The doctoral student and his/her supervisor agree on these on a case-by-case basis.

c) Research seminar in major subject
The seminar is obligatory for doctoral students of interactive technology.
The purpose of the research seminar is to train the student to conduct independent scientific research and write research reports. The doctoral student may fulfil the seminar's requirements in some other way than the seminar if the supervisor approves.

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Research-related Doctoral Studies

TAYJ12 Research Ethics, 1–10 ECTS
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