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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2017–2019
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DPJKKKB Methodological Studies, 15 op

Learning outcomes

The aim of methodology studies is to introduce postgraduate students to their own respective fields of science and related fields with their research methods, likewise to achieve a general knowledge of the philosophy of science. The aim is also to familiarize oneself with the theoretical and philosophical principles of methodical solutions.


The student must include in his/her general studies Research Ethics (4 credits) and Philosophy of Science (3 credits) offered by the University of Tampere Doctoral School.

Methodology studies may include studies arranged by the Faculty of Management or Tampere Doctoral School or other studies as agreed with the supervisor.

Belongs to following modules

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Methodological Studies

TAYJ12 Research Ethics, 1–10 ECTS
TAYJ11 Philosophy of Science, 1–10 ECTS