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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2014–2015
Selaamasi opetussuunnitelma ei ole enää voimassa. Tarkista tiedot voimassa olevasta opetussuunnitelmasta.
General Studies, 12–20 op


After completing the required General studies of the programme the students have the necessary skills required for successfully carrying out their studies. They will also write a personal study plan for their studies.


The courses cover topics such as orientation, study skills and study planning (including writing a personal study plan and a course of information literacy offered by the library)and academic English. For foreign students this also includes an elementary course in Finnish language. As optional elements a course on Finnish society and culture and research ethics in health sciences are offered.



Kuuluu kokonaisuuksiin

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General Studies

Suoritettava 12–20 opintopistettä
BIOGENC Compulsory general studies 12 op
BIO0020 Orientation, 2 ECTS
KKSU1 Elementary Course 1, 3 ECTS
KKENMP3 Scientific Writing, 5 ECTS
BIOGENO Optional general studies 1–8 op