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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2012–2015
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Studies on Society, Culture and History, 15–55 op

Learning outcomes

Studies on Society and Culture is a multi-disciplinary study module within the School of Social Sciences and Humanities and it is meant for all students studying at the University of Tampere. It offers international and Finnish students a comprehensive view to the wide variety of knowledge and research in the School of Social Sciences and Humanities.

After completing the module, the student is familiar with different aspects of the Finnish and Nordic society, culture and history. S/he is able to analyze and recognize differents trends and actors in the Finnish and Nordic society.


The module includes lecture courses and independent study from different degree programmes in the School of Social Sciences and Humanities. In order to receive a final grade for the module, the student has to complete at least 15 ECTS.


Numeric 1-5.

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Studies on Society, Culture and History

In order to receive a final grade for the module, the student has to complete at least 15 ECTS.
YKYYKV1 Finnish Society and Culture, 1–5 ECTS
HISOKV Nordic Perspective on European History 10 ECTS
HISOKV1 Introduction, 5 ECTS
HISOKV2 Special Course, 5 ECTS
SOSKV2 Music and Finnishness, 5 ECTS
SOSKV3 Gender in Society, 5 ECTS
FILKV1 Topics in Philosophy, 5 ECTS
YKYYKV2 Other courses, 5–15 ECTS
Yhteiskunta- ja kulttuuritieteiden yksikkö