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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2017–2019
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POLVOS20 Specialisation Studies in Political Science, 10 op

Learning outcomes

After completing the module, the student possesses a sophisticated understanding of their chosen sub-field of Political Science. The students will be able to link their own research theme to the research tradition of Political Science and apply theories and approaches of Political Science to their own study material.


Specialisation studies in a chosen sub-field of Political Science.

The students will take one of the optional thematic modules. The books included in each module display theoretical approaches, research methods, and materials used in the thematic research field.

Belongs to following modules

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Specialisation Studies in Political Science

One element from below
POLVOS22 The European Union, 10 ECTS
POLVOS24 Political Philosophy, 10 ECTS
POLVOS27 Political Systems, 10 ECTS
POLVOS28 Parties and Elections, 10 ECTS