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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2017–2019
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Global and Transnational Studies electives, 10 op

Learning outcomes

After completing the elective courses offered by YKY or other Schools, student have deepened their understanding of the global society as a phenomenon through a large group of distinct applied research.


The elective is an opportunity for the student to gain a broader perspective on global society through a course or courses offered in another program (including from the YKY Global Society framework).
For example, the following courses will be offered during autumn 2015-spring 2017:
- The world and I - Civil society, religion and culture 10 ECTS
- Politics and Governance in Education 5 ECTS
- Nationalism I 5 ECTS and GTS6d Nationalism II 5 ECTS

A detailed list of course options will be provided yearly in the teaching schedule; in addition, the student may select courses from outside this list, but only with the approval of the academic coordinator of the programme.

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Global and Transnational Studies electives

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