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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2010–2011
Selaamasi opetussuunnitelma ei ole enää voimassa. Tarkista tiedot voimassa olevasta opetussuunnitelmasta.
Advanced Studies of Economics, 90 op

Learning outcomes

To deepen the knowledge of economic theories, methods and applications, with special emphasis in Public Economics.
To know the tools and facilities of economic research and how to do and write the master´s thesis.


1. Theory and Methods, 28 ECTS.
2. Public Economics, 26 ECTS.
3. Master´s Thesis, 36 ECTS

Total: 90 ECTS


Numeric 1-5.

Further information

Person in charge: professor Hannu Laurila.

Belongs to following modules

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Advanced Studies of Economics

Theory and Methods 28 ECTS
KTALS120 Microeconomic Theory, 8 ECTS
KTALS130 Macroeconomic Theory, 8 ECTS
KTALS140 Advanced Econometrics, 6 ECTS
KTALS150 Game Theory, 3–6 ECTS
KTALS160 Dynamic Optimization, 3–6 ECTS
KTALS170 Optional Course, 3–6 ECTS
Public Economics 26 ECTS
KTALS301 Master's Seminar, 4 ECTS
The Master's Thesis 36 ECTS
KTALS302 Master's Thesis, 32 ECTS
KTALS303 Master´s Exam, 2 ECTS
KTALS304 Essay in Major Subject, 2 ECTS
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