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Archived Curricula Guide 2008–2010
Curricula Guide is archieved. Please refer to current Curricula Guides
SPOPA2A General Social Political Research 6 ECTS
Organised by
Social Policy

Learning outcomes

To become familiar with research concerning social political systems and actors and to learn to evaluate social political effects on the well-being of individuals, different groups and the entire society. To acquire the basic skills for reading and evaluating comparative research.

Modes of study

A literature examination on a general examination day, or compensatory teaching.


Numeric 1-5.

Study materials

1. George & Wilding, Welfare and Ideology. Harvester Wheatsheaf 1994. 2. Castles, The Future or Welfare States – Crisis Myths and Crisis Realities. Oxford University Press 2004. 3. Alapuro & Arminen, Vertailevan tutkimuksen ulottuvuuksia. Gaudeamus 2004. AND one of the following: 4. Hjerppe & Räisänen (toim.), Hyvinvointi ja työmarkkinoiden erityminen. Valtiontaloudellinen tutkimuskeskus 2004 AND Hinrichs & Kangas, When Is a Change Big Enough to Be a System Shift? Small System-Shifting Changes in German and Finnish Pension Policies. Journal of Social Policy and Administration 2003. 5. Koistinen & Sengenberger, Labour Flexibility – the Economic and Social Performance of the Labour Markets of Finland in the 1990s. Tampere University Press 2002, also available online at: http://tampub.uta.fi/tup/951-44-5439-1.pdf 6. Henriksson & Wrede, Hyvinvointityön ammatit. Gaudeamus 2004 And Kirsi, Rakasta, kärsi ja kirjoita (p. 1-102). Tampere University Press 2004. 7. Anttonen, Baldock & Sipilä (eds.), The Young, the Old and the State: Social Care Systems in Five Industrial Nations. Edwar Elgar 2003. 8. May, Lone Motherhood in Finnish Women’s Life Stories. Åbo Academi 2001. 9. Juntto, Asuntokysymys Suomessa. Topeliuksesta tulopolitiikkaan. Valtion painatuskeskus 1990.

Belongs to following study modules

Department of Pori
Social Political Research (Social Policy)
Archived Teaching Schedule. Please refer to current Teaching Shedule.
Department of Pori