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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2012–2015
Selaamasi opetussuunnitelma ei ole enää voimassa. Tarkista tiedot voimassa olevasta opetussuunnitelmasta.
HEAAC02 Classic and recent trends in public health 5 op
Master's Degree Programme in Health Sciences
Ilkka Pietilä
Suunnitellut järjestämisajankohdat
Periodi I II III IV
2013–2014 X X


To familiarize the student with basic theoretical concepts of public health and develop an alert attitude to issues in public health.


After completing the course the student is familiarized with conceptual bases and societal premises of some central discussions within public health research and is able to critically scrutinize them.


The student will read a collection of classical public health texts to be ready to write essays on the basis of these texts. The texts will be discussed with the teacher in three workshops. Students’ active participation in the workshops is expected.


Opetustapa Paikalla Verkossa

The articles and the book included in the study materials (listed below) will be discussed in three workshops that focus on most important theoretical implications of these classical texts. The detailed program of the workshops will be delivered to the enrolled students before the start of the course. All texts will be examined in an examination taking place at the end of the course.



Vaadittavat opintosuoritukset

Suoritusvaihtoehto 1
  • Tutkinto-ohjelman omat opiskelijat
  • Muut opiskelijat
  • Avoimen yliopisto-opetuksen opiskelijat
  • Tohtoriopiskelijat
  • Vaihto-opiskelijat
Osallistuminen opetukseen 


Numerolla 1-5.


Study materials

  1.  Marmot, Michael (2003). Understanding social inequalities in health. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 46, S9-S23.
  2.  Rose, Geoffrey (2001). Sick individuals and sick populations. International Journal of Epidemiology, 30, 427-432.
  3.  Hunt, Kate & Emslie, Carol (2001). Commentary: the prevention paradox in lay epidemiology – Rose revisited. International Journal of Epidemiology, 30, 442-446.
  4.  Davison, Charlie, Frankel, Stephen & Davey Smith, George (1992). The limits of lifestyle: re-assessing ‘fatalism’ in the popular culture of illness prevention. Social Science & Medicine, 34, 675-685.
  5.  Zola, Irving (1972). Medicine as an institution of social control. Sociological Review, 20, 487-503.
  6.  Armstrong, David (1995). The rise of surveillance medicine. Sociology of Health and Illness, 17, 393-404.
  7. Peterson A. & Lupton D. The new public health. Sage, London 1996.



Offered annually. Recommended time of study during the second year.

Kokonaisuudet johon opintojakso kuuluu

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