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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2015–2017
Selaamasi opetussuunnitelma ei ole enää voimassa. Tarkista tiedot voimassa olevasta opetussuunnitelmasta.
HEAIH03 Health and Health Care in Disaster Situations 5 op
Organised by
Master's Degree Programme in Health Sciences
Person in charge
Announced in the teaching schedule
Corresponding course units in the curriculum
Terveystieteiden yksikkö
Curricula 2012 – 2015


Strategic themes: Internationalisation, Sustainable development

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, the students will
• understand the global epidemiology of humanitarian disasters altogether
• know alternative strategies for disaster prevention and management
• be able to appraise scientific literature and to make oral presentations


• Historical trends and current epidemiology of natural and man-made disasters
• Definitions and determinants of different types of humanitarian disasters
• Main public health problems and their mechanisms in different types of disasters
• Assessment of health and health needs in a humanitarian crisis
• Health care priorities and priority groups in different types of humanitarian disasters
• Practical approaches to health service provision after a sudden natural disaster or during a complex humanitarian emergency
• The legal context of humanitarian assistance in disaster management
• Common actors and their role and collaboration in disaster management
• The international mechanisms for the protection of human rights in humanitarian crises
• National and international strategies for disaster prediction, prevention, and mitigation

Teaching methods

Classroom work max 48h

Teaching language


Modes of study

Option 1
Available for:
  • Degree Programme Students
  • Other Students
  • Open University Students
  • Doctoral Students
  • Exchange Students
Participation in course work 
In English

• Active participation in tutorials
• Active participation in group works
• Passing a written exam

Evaluation and evaluation criteria

Numeric 1-5.
Grade is given by the teacher responsible for the course based on the written exam.

Study materials

Announced in the Teaching schedule

Further information

Minimum number of students: 8(else the course will be cancelled), maximum number of students: 32

Belongs to following study modules

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Kieli-, käännös- ja kirjallisuustieteiden yksikkö
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Archived Teaching Schedule. Please refer to current Teaching Shedule.
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