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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2008–2010
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KVPIB8A1 European Integration 8 op
Organised by
International Relations/ISSS

Learning outcomes

After the course the student is familiar with the main theories of European integration, understand the content and the nature of regional cooperation in Europe and has a basic knowledge on the EU’s external relations.


The module introduces the idea of Europe, on integration theories and the EU’s external relations.

Teaching language


Modes of study

A written exam on the faculty examination day or compensatory courses.


Numeric 1-5.

Study materials

Coudenhove-Kalergi. Paneurooppa. WSOY 1930. (also available in German: Pan-Europa and English: Paneuropa)

Wiener & Diez. European Integration Theory. Oxford University Press 2004.

Telo (ed.). European Union and New Regionalism: Regional Actors and Global Governance in Post-Hegemonic Era. 2nd ed. Ashgate 2007.

Vogt & Mayer (eds.). A responsible Europe? Ethical Foundations of EU External Affairs. Palgrave 2006. OR  Laidi (ed.), EU Foreign Policy in a Globalized World: Normative Power and Social Preferences. Routledge 2007.

Belongs to following study modules

International School of Social Sciences
Politiikan tutkimuksen laitos
International Relations (Kansainvälinen politiikka/ISSS)
Archived Teaching Schedule. Please refer to current Teaching Shedule.
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