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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2009–2011
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MHS-G03 Health Systems 2–3 op
International Health/SOC


Opetustapa Paikalla Verkossa
Luento-opetus 17 t 0 t
Pienryhmäopetus 8 t 0 t
Itsenäinen työskentely 65 t 0 t



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Numerolla 1-5.

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1. vuoden syksy


Required reading • Andrew Green: An introduction to Health Planning for Developing Health Systems, Oxford University Press, 3. ed. 2007. ISBN 0192629840 (385 pages) • Backman G, Hunt P, Jaramillo-Strauss C, et al. Health systems and the right to health: an assessment of 194 countries. Lancet 2008; 372: 2047- 2085 (39 pages) • Future Health Systems: Why future? Why now? Social Science & Medicine 2008;66(10):2067-2075 (9 pages) • Dussault G. The health professions and the performance of future health systems in low-income countries: Support of Obstacle? Social Science & Medicine 2008;66(10):2088-2095 (8 pages) • Lucas H. Information and communications technology for future health systems in developing countries. Social Sciences & Medicine 2008;66(10):2122-2132 (11 pages) • Nishtar S. Public – private 'partnerships' in health – a global call to action. Health Research Policy and Systems 2004, 2:5. (7 pages) • Working for Health. An introduction to WHO. WHO 2007. ISBN 92 4 156313 5 (26 pages) • Global Health Watch 2005-2006. Part E3 The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (8 pages) • UN in brief. Introduction. United Nations Department of Public Information, New York, 2005. (10 pages) Additional reading • Strengthened health systems save more lives. An insight into WHO’s European Health Systems’ Strategy. World Health Organization 2005 (14 pages): • Ståhl T, Wismar M, Ollila E, Lahtinen E, Leppo K. (ed) Health in All Policies. Prospects and potentials. Ministry of social affairs and health, Finland. 2006 (Part 1, pages 3-38). • Saltman B, Bankauskaite V, Vrangbaek K.(ed) Decentralization in Health Care. Strategies and Outcomes. An overview. Open University Press 2007. (38 pages) • Gottret P, Schieber G. Health Financing Revisited. A practioner’s guide. Overview. The World Bank 2006. ISBN 0-8213-6585-1 (32 pages) • Bunton R. and Macdonald G. Health Promotion. Disciplines, diversity, and developments pages 1-120, eds, 2nd edition, Routledge 2002 • Creese A. User fees. They don’t reduce costs, and they increase inequity. Editorials. BMJ 1997;315:202-203 (26 July) (2 pages) • Deacon B, Ollila E, Koivusalo M, Stubbs P. Global Social Governance.Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland 2003.ISBN 951-724-399-5. • Kruk M, Freedman L. Assessing health system performance in developing countries: A review of the literature. Health Policy 2007 Oct 9;17931736 (14 pages) • Gertler P, Hammer J. Strategies For Pricing Publicly Provided Health Services. The World Bank 1997. (37 pages) • Arhin-Tenkorang D. Mobilizing Resources for Health: The Case for User Fees Revisited. CID Working Paper No. 81. December 2001 (21 pages) • Engaging for health. 11th General Programme of Work. WHO 2006. (56 pages) • UNICEF at a Glance. The United Nations Children’s Fund, New York 2004 (30 • UNHCR Global Appeal 2008-2009. Part I: An Overview UNHCR 2007 (57 pages) • Abbasi K. The World Bank and world health: Changing sides. BMJ 1999;318;865-869 • Abbasi K. The World Bank and world health: Healthcare Strategy. BMJ 1999;318:933-936 • Abbasi K. The World Bank and world health:Under fire. BMJ 1999;318:1003-1006 • Global Health Watch 2005-2006. Part E1, World Health Organization • WHO: Making Health Systems Work Series: - Working paper 4. Opportunities for Global Health Initiatives in the Health Systems Action Agenda. - Working paper 5. Improving health services and strengthening health systems: Adopting and implementing innovative strategies - An exploratory review in twelve countries. WHO 2006. • United Nations. - Wikipedia. - Weiss T. G. et al. The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations, Oxford University Press, July 2007, hardcover, 896 pages, ISBN 9780199279517, ISBN 0199279519 • The Major International organizations. • Discover the ICRC. ICRC 2005 ref. 0790. p 1-14 and 36-40.

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