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Archived Curricula Guide 2009–2011
Curricula Guide is archieved. Please refer to current Curricula Guides
SUOMA4 Text analysis 3 ECTS
Organised by
Finnish Language
Person in charge
Preceding studies
Part A: P5 Writing skills and correct usage of language; part B: part A.

Learning outcomes

Part A: Text edition (2 ECTS): To train students to analyse texts from a normative viewpoint. Part B: Text linguistics (3 ECTS): To get acquainted with research methods and to learn to apply them to texts.


Part A: The concepts and different viewpoints of normative text analysis. Analysis practices. Part B: Introduction to textual research methods and older researches.

Teaching methods

Teaching method Contact Online
Lectures 26 h 0 h

Lectures and assignments.

Teaching language


Modes of study

Part A: class participation and a learning journal; part B: class participation and a project.

Evaluation and evaluation criteria

Numeric 1-5.
Part A: pass/fail, acceptable performance based on learning journal; Part B: Graded, evaluation by project.

Recommended year of study

2. year spring

Second year autumn and spring.

Study materials

Supplementary reading: Part A: Articles from the book Ylioppilasaineita and from the periodical Virittäjä; part B: see above. Vesa Heikkinen, Pirjo Hiidenmaa ja Ulla Tiililä, Teksti työnä, virka kielenä. Gaudeamus. 2000; Pauli Saukkonen, Maailman hahmottaminen teksteinä. Tekstirakenteen ja tekstilajien teoriaa ja analyysia. Yliopistopaino. 2001; Irmeli Pääkkönen ja Markku Varis, Kriittinen lukutaito. Finn Lectura. 2000.

Belongs to following study modules

School of Modern Languages and Translation Studies
Intermediate Studies (Finnish Language)
School of Modern Languages and Translation Studies
Archived Teaching Schedule. Please refer to current Teaching Shedule.
School of Modern Languages and Translation Studies