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Archived Curricula Guide 2008–2010
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SOSPA1B Sociological Traditions and Modern Sociology, Lectures and Seminar 4 ECTS


The central themes of the modern discourse in sociology and their relation to the tradition of the subject

Further information on prerequisites and recommendations

It is recommended that students complete the literature of A1a before participating in the seminar.

Teaching methods

Students produce and present an essay on the course theme and participate in the discussion concerning other works.
It is possible for minor students to complete the course with a literature examination on a general examination day 5 ECTS / 3 cu.

Modes of study


Numeric 1-5.

Study materials

Literature for minor students: 1. Gronow ym., Sosiologian klassikot. Gaudeamus 1996 and two of the following: 2. Heiskala (toim.), Sosiologisen teorian nykysuuntauksia. Gaudeamus 1995. 3. Rahkonen (toim.), Sosiologian teorian uusimmat virtaukset. Gaudeamus 1996. 4. Rahkonen (toim.), Sosiologisia nykykeskusteluja. Gaudeamus 2004. 5. Räsänen ym. (toim.), Kiistoja ja dilemmoja: sosiologisen keskustelun vastakkain asetteluja. Kirja-Aurora 2004.

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Department of Pori
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Department of Pori