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Archived Curricula Guide 2015–2017
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ITIS62 Master's Thesis 40 ECTS
Organised by
Degree Programme in Information Studies and Interactive Media
Preceding studies
Corresponding course units in the curriculum
School of Information Sciences
Curricula 2012 – 2015
ITIS62 Master's Thesis 40 ECTS


Strategic themes: Responsible conduct of research

Teaching language

Finnish, English

Modes of study

Option 1
Available for:
  • Degree Programme Students
  • Other Students
  • Open University Students
  • Doctoral Students
  • Exchange Students
Thesis / dissertation 
In Finnish
In English
Maturity test  Written exam 
In Finnish
In English
Option 2
Available for:
  • Degree Programme Students
  • Other Students
  • Open University Students
  • Doctoral Students
  • Exchange Students
Thesis studies 1  Thesis / dissertation  10 ECTS
In Finnish

Tutkielmasta on valmiina toteuttamiskelpoinen suunnitelma, joka sisältää kuvauksen työn tavoitteista, rajauksista ja toteutuksesta aikatauluineen. Kirjallisuuskatsauksesta on laadittu alustava versio. Aineistonkeruusta on viimeistelty suunnitelma ja toteutus aloitettavissa.  

In English

A plan of the thesis exists, ready for implementation; it includes a description of the goals of the work, its outlines and its implementation along with a schedule. An initial version of the literature review has been drawn up. A plan on collecting the material has been finalised and its implementation can be started.  

Thesis studies 2  Thesis / dissertation  10 ECTS
In Finnish

Tutkielmatyö on edennyt tutkimussuunnitelman mukaan. Tutkimusaineisto on koottu ja sitä on jäsennetty analyysia varten. Analyysisuunnitelma on täsmennetty aineistoon perehtymisen pohjalta. Tarvittavien analyysimenetelmien ja -välineiden käyttöön on perehdytty käytännössä.  

In English

Work on the thesis has progressed according to the research plan. The research material has been collected and structured for analysis. The analysis plan has been specified based on becoming familiar with the material. The use of the required analysis methods and tools has been studied in practice.  

Thesis studies 3  Thesis / dissertation  10 ECTS
In Finnish

Tutkimusaineisto on analysoitu kokonaisuudessaan ja tulokset raportoitu. Tutkielman johdantoluku, kirjallisuuskatsaus, menetelmäluku ja tulosluku on kirjoitettu valmiin käsikirjoituksen muotoon. 

In English

The research material has been analysed in its entirety and the results have been reported. The introduction, literature review and the chapters on the methods and results of the thesis have been written down in a finished manuscript. 

Thesis studies 4  Thesis / dissertation  10 ECTS
In Finnish

Tutkielma on viimeistelty sisällöllisesti ja kielellisesti. Teksti on läpäissyt plagiointitarkastuksen. Opiskelija on suorittanut hyväksytysti vaadittavan kypsyysnäytteen ja tutkielma on hyväksytty virallisessa tarkastuksessa. 

In English

The thesis has been finished with regard to content and language. The text has passed the plagiarism check. The student has completed an approved maturity test and the thesis has been approved in an official review. 

The originality of thesis will be checked before evaluation using the plagiarism detection system.
The supervisor approves the 10 ECTS components. The completion criteria for components can be specified or described in more detail in the supervision plan form, if necessary, based on the supervisor’s decision and the nature of the work.


Numeric 1-5.

Belongs to following study modules

School of Information Sciences
Archived Teaching Schedule. Please refer to current Teaching Shedule.
School of Information Sciences