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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2007–2009
Selaamasi opetussuunnitelma ei ole enää voimassa. Tarkista tiedot voimassa olevasta opetussuunnitelmasta.
RSTP4 Society and Politics 3–5 op

Learning outcomes

Offers basic information on current phenomena in Russian politics, society and economy.


Basic courses on economy, politics and society.

Modes of study

Evaluation and evaluation criteria

Numeric 1-5.
Numerical grading scale 1-5 or Pass/Fail -grading based on overall performance.

Study materials

Teacher in charge sets the books at the beginning of the academic year. The bibliography for the course consists of the same books which the students can choose for the book examination of the RSTp4. Paasi, A., Territories, boundaries and consciousness: the changing geographies of the Finnish-Russian border. 1996; Armstrong, K., Remembering Karelia: a family's story of displacement during and after the Finnish wars. 2004; Austin, D.F.C., Finland as a Gateway to Russia: Issues in European Security. 1996; Pilkington, H. & al. (eds.), Looking west: cultural globalisation and Russian youth cultures. 2002; Rotkirch, A., The Man Question. Loves and Lives in Late 20th Century Russia. 2000; Webber, S. & Liikanen, I., Education and Civic culture in post-communist countries. 2001; Yurchak, A., ): Everything was forever until it was no more. The last Soviet generation. 2005; Gorodetsky, G. (ed.), Russia between East and West: Russian Foreign Policy on the Threshold of the Twenty-first Century. 2003; Kivinen, M. & Pynnöniemi, K. (eds.), Beyond the Garden Ring: Dimensions of Russian Regionalism. 2002; Piirainen, T., Towards a New Social Order in Russia. Transforming Structures and Everyday Life. 1997; Polvinen, T., Imperial Borderland: Bobrikov and the attempted Russification of Finland, 1898-1904. 1995; Lavigne, M., The Economics of Transition. From Socialist Economy to Market Economy. 2003; Sakwa, R., Putin: Russia's Choice. 2004; Burawoy, M. & Verdery, K. (eds.), Uncertain Transition. Ethnographies of Change in the Postsocialist World. 1999; Rivkin-Fish, M., Women's health in Post-Soviet Russia. The politics of intervention. 2005; Hanson, P., The rise and fall of the Soviet economy : an economic history of the USSR from 1945. 2003.

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