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GEN7 Master's thesis seminar and master's thesis 40 op
Organised by
Master's Degree Programme in Gender Studies
Gender Studies

Learning outcomes

The thesis seminar will continue throughout the second year. Each student is required to present three papers. Participation in the seminar sessions is compulsory, and the students are required to read each other's papers and provide argumented comments on them.

A master's thesis contains 60-80 1,5 spaced pages plus preliminary pages including a table of contents and a list of references. It should demonstrate sound theoretical and methodological knowledge and expertise in an area or issue relevant to the content of the Masters Programme.

After completing the thesis, a student will be able to show in-depth knowledge of the chosen topic, mastery of appropriate theories and research methods and capability
of scientific academic writing.

The master's thesis will show that the student:
- is able to define and process the chosen research problem
- shows a readiness in academic thinking
- has a command of the theories and research methods in her/his work
- has become familiar with the subject matter of the thesis and the literature of the field of study
- has skills in academic communication
- has a readiness to work persistently and the ability to discern the entire perspective of her/his work
- give constructive criticism
- manage different phases of the research process
- execute research independently


The thesis is defined as a student's independent work in which s/he can show her/his ability in selecting a topic, setting up research questions, mastering methodology and capability in a critical and consistent manner. The purpose of an Master's thesis is to allow the student to prove her or his ability to carry out academic research independently and in a substantively and methodologically correct manner.

The purpose of the Master's thesis seminar is to assist students through all stages of the Master's thesis.

The students of the programme are expected to, firstly, produce a concrete Master's thesis research plan. The Master's thesis seminar supplies guidance in the process of revising the Master's thesis proposal and moving from the proposal towards conceptual and empirical work on the Master's thesis itself. The classroom-section of the Master's thesis seminar provides a forum for the presentation and in-depth discussion of the Master's thesis proposals and the chapter drafts of the thesis.

Credits from the Master's thesis are recorded in four parts.
The supervisor of the thesis is responsible for the registration of the credits.

1. Thesis studies I (10 ECTS)
The topic of the work is clearly focused and it has been operationalized into a relevant research question and tasks. There is a clear plan concerning the execution of the work and its schedule and the work is demonstrated to be well on its way. Relevant literature has been identified and considerable part of it has been read and thought through. In the case of empirical work, the materials and methods of the study have been identified and collection of materials and evidence is on the way. Preliminary text, length approx. 6000 words.

2. Thesis studies II (10 ECTS)
The work is progressing according to the plan and this has been demonstrated in seminar sessions. The research task, relevant literature and specific research questions have been clarified. In the case of empirical work, the gathering of source materials or data has progressed and first interpretations about them have been drafted. Preliminary text, length approx. 12 000 words.

3. Thesis studies III (10 ECTS)
The work has been drafted into full length manuscript which clearly shows its structure and allows the readers to judge its evidence and coherence of its interpretation and main arguments. The student receives final feedback and advice from the supervisor before starting the final review of the thesis. Preliminary text, length approx. 18 000 words.

4. Thesis studies IV (10 ECTS)
The thesis has been submitted in a publishable and finalized form. The student has taken the required maturity test and passed it. The text has been cleared through the plagiarization test. The thesis is reviewed and graded. Final manuscript length, approx. 18 000 words.

The Thesis studies IV include a thesis conference organized in collaboration with the student group at the University of Turku. During the conference the student shortly presents her or his thesis and acts as on opponent to another student.

Modes of study

Option 1
Available for:
  • Degree Programme Students
  • Other Students
  • Open University Students
  • Doctoral Students
  • Exchange Students
Participation in course work 
In English
Thesis studies I  Thesis / dissertation  10 ECTS
In English
Further information 

The topic of the work is clearly focused and it has been operationalized into a relevant research question and tasks. There is a clear plan concerning the execution of the work and its schedule and the work is demonstrated to be well on its way. Relevant literature has been identified and considerable part of it has been read and thought trough. In the case of empirical work, the materials and methods of the study have been identified and collection of materials and evidence is on the way. Preliminary text, length approx. 6000 words.

Thesis studies II  Thesis / dissertation  10 ECTS
In English
Further information 

The work is progressing according to the plan and this has been demonstrated in tutorials and seminar sessions. The research task, relevant literature and specific research questions have been clarified. In the case of empirical work, the gathering of source materials or data has progressed and first interpretations about them have been drafted. Preliminary text, length approx. 12 000 words.

Thesis studies II  Thesis / dissertation  10 ECTS
In English
Further information 

The work has been drafted into full length manuscript which clearly shows its structure and allows the readers to judge its evidence and coherence of its interpretation and main arguments. The student receives final feedback and advice from the supervisor before starting the final review of the thesis. Preliminary text, length approx. 18 000 words.

Thesis studies IV  Thesis / dissertation  10 ECTS
In English
Numeric 1-5. 
Further information 

The thesis has been submitted in a publishable and finalized form. The student has taken the required maturity test and passed it. The text has been cleared through the plagiarization test. The thesis is reviewed and graded. Final manuscript length, approx. 18 000 words.


Numeric 1-5.

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