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Archived Curricula Guide 2009–2011
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TASOP4 Social Relationships 0–10 ECTS
Organised by
Economic and Social History
Corresponding course units in the curriculum
Department of History and Philosophy
Curricula 2007 – 2009
TASOP4 Social Relationships 0–10 ECTS

Learning outcomes

To understand the basic features of the most important phenomena and research studies of economic and social history. Emphasis on the central and current problems of our time.


(a) Social Problems (5 ECTS, 3 cu)
(b) History of Work (5 ECTS, 3 cu)
(c) Family and Gender (5 ECTS, 3 cu)

Teaching methods

Lectures and exercises, a book exam or an essay negotiated with the teacher in charge of the course. Alternative literature must be negotiated with the teacher as well.

Teaching language


Modes of study


Numeric 1-5.

Study materials

(a) Social Problems

Landes, D.S., The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor (1998 or newer) and Riihinen, Olavi (ed.), Sosiaalipolitiikka 2017 (1992).

(b) History of Work

Burnett, John, Idle Hands, The Experince of Unemployment, 1790-1990 (1994 or later) and Parikka, Raimo (ed.), Suomalaisen työn historiaa korvesta konttoriin (1999).

(c) Family and Gender

Häggman, Kai, Johdatus perhehistoriaan (1996) or alternatively either Abrams, Lynn, The Making of Modern Woman (2002) or Löfström, Jan, Sukupuoliero agraarikulttuurissa (1999).

Further information

P2–P6 Perspectives into Economic and Social History, 20 ECTS, 15 cu
The courses P2-P6 consist of 20 ECTS altogether; one theme may consist of 10 ECTS (6 cu) at the most. Alternative literature or course may be negotiated with the teacher.

Belongs to following study modules

Department of History and Philosophy
Economic and Social History, Basic Studies (Economic and Social History)
Department of History and Philosophy