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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2008–2010
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VALTS2 Specialised Studies in Political Science 20 op

Learning outcomes

To provide students with an advanced knowledge of two areas of research in political science.


The books in the module cover the following areas: civil society and political activity, political systems, political communication and rhetoric, political philosophy, Europe, globalisation, and political systems outside of Europe.

Modes of study

Students choose two areas of the seven options (a-g) mentioned below in a general literature examination. Instead of one literature examination option, students may choose to do an voluntary practical training (see section h).


Numeric 1-5.

Study materials


a) Civil Society and Political Activity (10 ECTS):
1. Keane: Global Civil Society. Cambridge University Press 2003 (3 ECTS)
2. Hooghe - Stolle (eds.): Generating Social Capital. Civil Society and Institutions in Comparative Perspective. Palgrave 2003 (3 ECTS)
3. Tarrow: Power in Movement. Social Movements, Collective Action and Politics, 2nd edition. Cambridge University Press 2000 (4 ECTS)

b) Political Systems (10 ECTS):
Three books from the following:
1. Castles: The Future of the Welfare State - Crisis Myths and Crisis Realities. Oxford University Press 2004 (3 ECTS)
2. Dalton: Democratic Challenges, Democratic Choices. The Erosion of Political Support in Advanced Industrial Democracies. Oxford University Press 2004 (3 ECTS)
3. Farrell: Electoral Systems. A Comparative Introduction. Palgrave 2001 (4 ECTS)
4. Paastela: Yksin- ja harvainvallasta. Vol. 1, pp. i-xii, 1-46 and 377-493 and Vol. 2, pp. 561-668 and 815-958. Tampereen yliopisto, Politiikan tutkimuksen laitos 2000 (3 ECTS)
5. Ware: Political Parties and Party Systems. Oxford University Press 1996 (4 ECTS)

c) Political Communication and Rhetoric (10 ECTS):
1. Tindale: Rhetorical Argumentation. Sage 2004 (3 ECTS)
2. McCarthy: Language, Politics and Writing. Palgrave 2002 (4 ECTS)
3. Street: Mass Media, Politics and Democracy. Palgrave 2001 (3 ECTS)

d) Political Philosophy (10 ECTS):
1. Ball - Bellamy (eds.): The Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century Political Thought. Cambridge University Press 2003 (3 ECTS)
2. Koikkalainen: The Life of Political Philosophy after its Death. Acta Univesitatis Lapponiensis 81 2005 (3 ECTS)
In addition, one of the following classics (4 ECTS per book):
3. Platon: The Republic
4. Hobbes: Leviathan
5. Locke: Second Treatise on Government
6. de Tocqueville: Democracy in America

e) Europe (10 ECTS):
1. Hooghe - Marks: Multi-Level Governance and European Integration. Rowman & Littlefield 2001 (4 ECTS)
2. Mikkeli: Euroopan idea: Eurooppa-aatteen ja eurooppalaisuuden pitkä historia. Suomen historiallinen seura 1999 (3 ECTS)
3. Tiilikainen - Palosaari (eds.): Integraation teoria. Gaudeamus 2007 (3 ECTS)

f) Globalisation (10 ECTS):
1. Bisley: Rethinking Globalization. Palgrave 2007 (3 ECTS)
2. Hakovirta: Maailmanpolitiikka - teoria ja todellisuus. Kustannus 54 2002 (4 ECTS)
3. Patomäki - Teivainen: Globaali demokratia. Gaudeamus 2003 (3 ECTS)

g) Political Systems outside of Europe (10 ECTS):
Three books from the following:
1. Gries - Rosen: State and Society in 21st Century China. Routledge 2004 (4 ECTS)
2. Harle: Ideas of Social Order in the Ancient World. Greenwood Press 1998 (3 ECTS)
3. Kiros - Appiah: Explorations in African Political Thought: Identity, Community, Ethics. Routledge 2001 (3 ECTS)
4. Kapur: India - From Regional to World Power. Routledge 2006 (3 ECTS)
5. Lane - Redissi: Religion and Politics. Islam and Muslim Civilisation. Ashgate 2004 (3 ECTS)
6. Neary: The State and Politics in Japan. Blackwell Publishers 2002 (3 ECTS)

h) Voluntary practical training of at least two months in an organisation approved by the department. If the practical training counts as a part of the advanced studies, students must write a report of approximately 10 pages on their training from a viewpoint which is suitable for the purposes of the advanced studies.

Belongs to following study modules

Politiikan tutkimuksen laitos
Advanced Studies (Valtio-oppi)
Politiikan tutkimuksen laitos
Politiikan tutkimuksen laitos