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Archived Curricula Guide 2015–2017
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STYS3B2 Analysing Professional Interaction and Texts 5 ECTS
Organised by
Degree Programme in Social Work
Corresponding course units in the curriculum
School of Social Sciences and Humanities
Curricula 2012 – 2015

Modes of study

Option 1
Available for:
  • Degree Programme Students
  • Other Students
  • Open University Students
  • Doctoral Students
  • Exchange Students
Osallistuminen opetukseen  Participation in course work  5 ECTS
In Finnish
Option 2
Available for:
  • Degree Programme Students
  • Other Students
  • Open University Students
  • Doctoral Students
  • Exchange Students
Written exam  5 ECTS
In Finnish
Study materials 

1. Jokinen, Arja & Suoninen, Eero (toim.) 2000. Auttamistyö keskusteluna. Tutkimuksia sosiaali- ja terapiatyön arjesta. Tampere: Vastapaino. TAI Ruusuvuori, Johanna et al. 2001. Institutionaalinen vuorovaikutus. Keskustelunanalyyttisiä tutkimuksia. Helsinki: SKS. JA Heritage, John & Clayman, Steven (Eds.) 201.0 Talk in action. Interactions, identities, and institutions. Wiley-Blackwell, Malden (US). s. 7-50.

2. Hall, Christopher et al. 2014 Analysing Social Work Communication. Discourse in Practice. London: Routledge. TAI Peräkylä, Anssi et al. 2008. Conversation Analysis and Psychotherapy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Sekä seuraavat artikkelit:

Ryhmä 1: Ammatillisen vuorovaikutuksen analyysit

3. Antaki, Charles 2013. Two conversational practices for encouraging adults with intellectual disabilities to reflect on their activities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 57(6):580-8.

4. Tiitinen, Sanni & Ruusuvuori, Johanna 2012.  Engaging parents through gaze: Speaker selection in three-party interactions in maternity clinics. Patient Education and Counseling 89: 38–43.

5. Korpijaakko-Huuhka, Anna-Maija et al. 2014. Mutta minä rompotan menemään. Dementoituvan ihmisen kielellistetty identiteetti. Puhe ja kieli 34:2, 55-79.


Ryhmä 2: Institutionaalisten tekstien analyysit

6. Taylor, Carolyn 2008. Trafficking in Facts. Writing Practices in Social Work. Qualitative Social Work 7(1) 25-42.

7. Mäkitalo, Åsa 2005. The Record as a Formative Tool. A Study of Immanent Pedagogy in the Practice of Vocational Guidance. Qualitative Social Work 4(4), 431-449.

8. Günther, Kirsi et al. 2015. From plan meetings to care plans: Genre chains and the intertextual relations of text and talk. Discourse & Communication, 65-79, doi: 10.1177/1750481314555265.

Option 3
Available for:
  • Degree Programme Students
  • Other Students
  • Open University Students
  • Doctoral Students
  • Exchange Students
Essay  5 ECTS
In Finnish
Study materials 

1. Jokinen, Arja & Suoninen, Eero (toim.) 2000. Auttamistyö keskusteluna. Tutkimuksia sosiaali- ja terapiatyön arjesta. Tampere: Vastapaino. TAI Ruusuvuori, Johanna et al. 2001. Institutionaalinen vuorovaikutus. Keskustelunanalyyttisiä tutkimuksia. Helsinki: SKS. JA Heritage, John & Clayman, Steven (Eds.) 2010. Talk in action. Interactions, identities, and institutions. Wiley-Blackwell, Malden (US). s. 7-50.

2. Hall, Christopher et al. 2014 Analysing Social Work Communication. Discourse in Practice. London: Routledge. TAI Peräkylä, Anssi et al. 2008. Conversation Analysis and Psychotherapy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Sekä seuraavat artikkelit:

Ryhmä 1: Ammatillisen vuorovaikutuksen analyysit

3. Antaki, Charles 2013. Two conversational practices for encouraging adults with intellectual disabilities to reflect on their activities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 57(6):580-8.

4. Tiitinen, Sanni & Ruusuvuori, Johanna 2012.  Engaging parents through gaze: Speaker selection in three-party interactions in maternity clinics. Patient Education and Counseling 89: 38–43.

5. Korpijaakko-Huuhka, Anna-Maija et al. 2014. Mutta minä rompotan menemään. Dementoituvan ihmisen kielellistetty identiteetti. Puhe ja kieli 34:2, 55-79.


Ryhmä 2: Institutionaalisten tekstien analyysit

6. Taylor, Carolyn 2008. Trafficking in Facts. Writing Practices in Social Work. Qualitative Social Work 7(1) 25-42.

7. Mäkitalo, Åsa 2005. The Record as a Formative Tool. A Study of Immanent Pedagogy in the Practice of Vocational Guidance. Qualitative Social Work 4(4), 431-449.

8. Günther, Kirsi et al. 2015. From plan meetings to care plans: Genre chains and the intertextual relations of text and talk. Discourse & Communication, 65-79, doi: 10.1177/1750481314555265.

Further information 

Tarkista jakson vastuuopettaja lukuvuosittain opetusohjelman alusta löytyvästä opintojaksojen vastuuopettajalistasta.


Numeric 1-5.

Belongs to following study modules

School of Social Sciences and Humanities
School of Social Sciences and Humanities
School of Social Sciences and Humanities
Archived Teaching Schedule. Please refer to current Teaching Shedule.
School of Social Sciences and Humanities