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Archived Curricula Guide 2008–2010
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AMMKL22 Philosophy and History of Vocational Education and Training 6 ECTS
Organised by
Education, Vocational Education
Person in charge
FM Markku Tuominen

Learning outcomes

After the course student can perform concept analysis related to the phenomena of vocational education and pay attention to historic and philosophic aspects in vocational education and training.


The course structures and deepens the philosophy and history of vocational education and training: the origin and nature of vocational education and training as well as its scientific definition, concepts, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics and current perspectives such as the relationship between vocational and all-round education.

Teaching methods

Teaching method Contact Online
Lectures 30 h 0 h

30 hours of lectures, essays

Teaching language


Evaluation and evaluation criteria

Numeric 1-5.
Participation in lectures; essays based on literature.

Study materials


  • A history / historical research on one’s own vocational education field
  • Ammattien kutsu. Ammattikorkeakoulut ja estetiikka. Opetusministeriön julkaisuja 2006:18.
  • Ammattikorkeakouluetiikka. Opetusministeriön julkaisuja 2004:30. 2004.
  • Barrow,R. & Woods, R., An Introduction to Philosophy of Education. Routledge. 2001.
  • Heikkinen, A., Lähtökohtia ammattikasvatuksen kulttuuriseen tarkasteluun. Acta Universitatis Tamperensis, ser A vol. 442. 1995.
  • Jacques, R., Manufacturing the employee. Management Knowledge from the 19th to the 21st Centuries. Sage. 1996.
  • Klemelä, K., Ammattikunnista ammatillisiin oppilaitoksiin. Ammatillisen koulutuksen muotoutuminen Suomessa 1800-luvun alusta 1990-luvulle. Koulutussosiologian tutkimuskeskuksen raportti 48. Turun yliopisto. 1999.
  • Konttinen, E., Perinteisesti moderniin: professioiden yhteiskunnallinen synty Suomessa. Vastapaino. 1991.
  • Raatikainen, P., Ihmistieteet ja filosofia. Gaudeamus. 2004.
  • Puolimatka, T., Opetuksen teoria: konstruktivismista realismiin. Tammi. 2002.
  • Suomalaisen ammattikasvatuksen historia. Okka-säätiö. 2000.
  • Tuominen, M. ja Wihersaari J., Ammattikasvatusfilosofia. Okka-säätiö. 2006.

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Department of Education
Archived Teaching Schedule. Please refer to current Teaching Shedule.
Department of Education