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Archived Curricula Guide 2015–2017
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ENGA1 Seminar, Bachelor's Thesis and Maturity Test 10 ECTS
Organised by
DP in English Language, Literature and Translation
Preceding studies
Before attending the seminar, the student must complete Basic Studies and some of the following course units, determined by the theme of the seminar: - ENGA4 Structure of English III: Grammar and Context 5 ECTS - ENGA5 Linguistics II: Meaning and Discourse 5 ECTS - ENGA6 Variety in Present-day English 5 ECTS OR - ENGA7 Postcolonial Literature 5 ECTS - ENGA8 Romanticism and Its Legacy 5 ECTS - ENGA9 Literature and Change after 1900 5 ECTS OR - TRMU1 Translation and Interpreting in Theory and Practice
Corresponding course units in the curriculum
School of Language, Translation and Literary Studies
Curricula 2012 – 2015


Strategic themes: Internationalisation, Responsible conduct of research

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course unit, the student will be able to conduct a scientific study within their chosen discipline. The student will be able to assess studies critically, to give justified feedback on other students' theses, and to receive feedback on their own thesis. The student will be able to employ a research method from their discipline, define a research question or research problem, and present a well-founded solution to it. The student will be able to plan their information-seeking process, to perform searches on their research topic using both Finnish and international sources, and to analyse the results of their search. The student will be familiar with citation conventions and reference management tools.


The course unit consists of two subunits: Seminar (4 ECTS) and Bachelor's Thesis and Maturity Test (6 ECTS). During the seminar, the student will familiarise themselves with information-seeking methods and the process of defining a research question and designing a research plan. The student will also become familiar with the structure of a thesis and the use of sources, specifically within their chosen discipline. The student will practise scientific writing as well as critical assessment and argumentation. After writing a research plan and giving a seminar presentation, the student will write their Bachelor's thesis on a topic of their choosing. The finished thesis will be submitted for assessment to the teacher responsible for the seminar, after which the student may complete the maturity test.

Teaching language

English, Finnish

Modes of study

Option 1
Available for:
  • Degree Programme Students
  • Other Students
  • Open University Students
  • Doctoral Students
  • Exchange Students
Seminaari  Participation in course work  4 ECTS
In Finnish
Numeric 1-5. 
Kandidaatintutkielma ja kypsyysnäyte  Thesis / dissertation  6 ECTS
In Finnish
Numeric 1-5. 

Evaluation and evaluation criteria

Numeric 1-5.
The methods of assessment are described in more detail on the degree programme website: http://www.uta.fi/ltl/eng/kaytannot/kandidaatintutkielmien_arviointi.html (in Finnish)

Study materials

Thesis-related instructions are available on the school website: (in Finnish). The methods of assessment for the Bachelor's thesis can be found on the degree programme website: (in Finnish).

Belongs to following study modules

School of Language, Translation and Literary Studies
Archived Teaching Schedule. Please refer to current Teaching Shedule.
School of Language, Translation and Literary Studies