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Archived Curricula Guide 2015–2017
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ENGP5 Linguistics I: Introduction to Basic Concepts 5 ECTS
Organised by
DP in English Language, Literature and Translation


Strategic themes: Internationalisation

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course unit, the student will be able to describe the basic structures of English at the level of speech sounds, morphemes, and syntax. The student will be able to analyse the phonemes, morphemes, and syntactic structures present in language samples. The student will be able to describe the variety of meanings of words, the factors involved, and the specific relations between words.


The student will explore the basic concepts of phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics, as well as their application to English through practical exercises. During the course unit, the student will write an essay on an agreed subject, paying attention to both the provided literature and to the presence of the examined linguistic feature in the provided research material.

Teaching language


Modes of study

Option 1
Available for:
  • Degree Programme Students
  • Other Students
  • Open University Students
  • Doctoral Students
  • Exchange Students
Participation in course work 


Numeric 1-5.

Study materials

Trudgill, Peter, 2000. Sociolinguistics (4th edition).

Belongs to following study modules

School of Language, Translation and Literary Studies
School of Language, Translation and Literary Studies
School of Language, Translation and Literary Studies
Archived Teaching Schedule. Please refer to current Teaching Shedule.
School of Language, Translation and Literary Studies