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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2008–2010
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TKOPS105 Distributed Systems 5 op

Learning outcomes

Aim is to learn advanced concepts, principles, design methods, and technologies of distributed software systems. Emphasis is on communication, synchronization, replication, fault tolerance, consistency and security of distributed systems. The minimum level is to understand problems and various proposed solutions related to the aforementioned concepts. Some implementation technologies of distributed systems are discussed (e.g. Corba and J2EE), but learning to construct systems using such technologies is not covered in this course.


Introduction 2h; Communication, 3h; Processes, 1h; Naming, 2h; Synchronization, 2h; Consistency and replication, 4h; Fault tolerance, 2h; Security, 2h, Some xample systems, 4h.

Teaching language



Numeric 1-5.
Archived Teaching Schedule. Please refer to current Teaching Shedule.
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