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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2017–2019
Selaamasi opetussuunnitelma ei ole enää voimassa. Tarkista tiedot voimassa olevasta opetussuunnitelmasta.
PGHINT Internship or work placement 10 op
Master's Degree Programme in Public and Global Health


Terveystieteen oppialat: Public and global health
Strategiset teemat: kansainvälistyminen


An internship or work placement for 3 months in the field of public or global health. During the internship the student combines theory and practice in a working environment.


After completing the internship, the student will be introduced to working life and will be able to utilize the skills and knowledge of their study program in practice. The experience gained will aid the student in evaluating their own abilities and the impact that has on post-graduate working life.


After the first year of the degree programme students participate in an Internship or Work Placement. If needed, other possible ways of completing the internship than a work placement may be considered on a case by case basis.
The internship is composed on the following components:
1. An internship information session before the internship
2. Making an internship plan and application for possible financial support
3. An internship in a workplace or in voluntary work related to public or global health (3 months)
4. Composing a reflective evaluation report or a reflective learning journal on the internship and giving a presentation in an internship seminar.
The place and nature of the internship or work placement should be relevant to the programme and may be in Finland, or in an international setting.
As a rule, it is the responsibility of the student wishing to complete an internship or work placement to identify and apply to host organisations which match their interests and career goals. The faculty will assist the student with the practical arrangements and may be able to help identify potential internship hosts.
Some funding for the internship or work placement is available through the University and Erasmus+ programme

Vaadittavat opintosuoritukset

Suoritusvaihtoehto 1
  • Tutkinto-ohjelman omat opiskelijat
  • Muut opiskelijat
  • Avoimen yliopisto-opetuksen opiskelijat
  • Tohtoriopiskelijat
  • Vaihto-opiskelijat
Osallistuminen opetukseen 



Kokonaisuudet johon opintojakso kuuluu

Yhteiskuntatieteiden tiedekunta
Opintojakso opetusohjelmassa
Opetusohjelma ei ole enää voimassa. Tarkista tiedot voimassa olevasta opetusohjelmasta.
Yhteiskuntatieteiden tiedekunta