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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2010–2011
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TIEIB8D1 Communication Studies 15 op
Organised by
Journalism and Mass Communication/ISSS
Person in charge
Professor Taisto Hujanen
Corresponding course units in the curriculum
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Curricula 2008 – 2010
TIEIB8D1 Communication Studies 15 ECTS

Learning outcomes

The student focuses on a specific theoretical and conceptual areas of communication studies, acquires a good approach to the area and its convention of scientific writing.


The special area to be chosen from next optional areas: (a) Journalism and Mass Communication, (b) Visual Journalism, (c) Media Culture, (d) Media Education, (e) Interpersonal Communication, (f) Organizational Communication and (g) Information Society (3-6 ECTS credits).

Modes of study

Book exams and/or essays (9 ECTS) and/or project working (6 ECTS).



Study materials


Further information

For further information and reading lists, see https://www10.uta.fi/opas/opintojakso.htm?id=11817&lang=en&uiLang=fi.

Belongs to following study modules

International School of Social Sciences
Archived Teaching Schedule. Please refer to current Teaching Shedule.
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