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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2008–2010
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LASKS030 Advanced Course in Corporate Finance 8 op
Organised by
Accounting and Finance
Preceding studies


Main themes of this course are investment banking, mergers & acquisitions, private equity, venture capital and project finance. Corporate finance is approached as strategic function of a company. Problems of growth finance will be discussed as well as some specific issues like corporate governance and risk management.

Teaching language


Modes of study


Numeric 1-5.

Study materials

1. Brealey–Myers: Principles of Corporate Finance, 6th ed (or a later edition) McGraw-Hill, 2000, selected chapters.

2. Buckley–Ghari: International Mergers and Aquisitions – A Reader. Thomson 2002, selected chapters or Weston et. al. Takeovers, Restructurings and Corporate Governance 4th ed.

3. Articles and additional material provided by the lecturer.

Belongs to following study modules

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