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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2007–2009
Selaamasi opetussuunnitelma ei ole enää voimassa. Tarkista tiedot voimassa olevasta opetussuunnitelmasta.
ENGFA3A Structure of English III: The Sentence and Beyond 4 op

Learning outcomes

To further students' knowledge of the structure of the English language.


Structures at the sentence level, focus on the structure of spoken and written English beyond the level of the sentence. An overlook at cohesion and other formal properties of various types of discourse. Text corpora and other factual texts as aid. Reading assignments and follow-up questions for discussion.

Modes of study


Numeric 1-5.

Study materials

Texts and questions provided each week.

Belongs to following study modules

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Archived Teaching Schedule. Please refer to current Teaching Shedule.
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