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Archived Curricula Guide 2008–2010
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STYPA2C2 Rehabilitation and Gerontological Social Work 4 ECTS
Organised by
Social Work

Learning outcomes

Students deepen their knowledge and understanding of social problems by taking one field of social work under inspection.

Modes of study

Students write an essay of 5-10 pages on one foreign-language and one Finnish book. The essays must be negotiated in advance with the responsible teacher.


Numeric 1-5.

Study materials

Karjalainen & Vilkkumaa (toim.), Kuntoutus kanssamme. Stakes M196 2004; Metteri, Hyvinvointivaltion lupaukset ja kohtuuttomat tapaukset. Edita 2004; Törrönen, Valvontaa ja vastuuta. Gaudeamus 2004; Shera & Wells (ed.), Empowerment Practice in Social Work. Developing Richer Conceptual Foundations. Canadian Scholars' Press 1999; Ala-Kauhaluoma ym., Työttömien aktivointi. Stakes. Tutk 141 2004; Nathanson & Tirrito, Gerontological Social Work. Theory into Practice. Springer cop. 1998; Harjula, Vaillinaisuudella vaivatut. Vammaisuuden tulkinnat suomalaisessa huoltokeskustelussa 1800-luvun lopu. Suomen Historiallinen Seura 1996.

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Department of Pori
Archived Teaching Schedule. Please refer to current Teaching Shedule.
Department of Pori