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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2008–2010
Selaamasi opetussuunnitelma ei ole enää voimassa. Tarkista tiedot voimassa olevasta opetussuunnitelmasta.
TKOPP1 High Level Programming 9 op
Organised by
Computer Science
Planned organizing times
Period(s) I II III IV
2008–2009 X X
2009–2010 X X
Preceding studies
Or corresponding knowledge in the field

Learning outcomes

The course aims at initiating the students into the basic concepts of high level programming. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to implement small programs using these basic concepts.


The course introduces the basics of programming. These include the notions of algorithm, variables, statements, types and control structures (selection and repetition). In addition, topics such as input and output, functions, arrays, exceptions and files are covered.

Teaching methods

Teaching method Contact Online
Lectures 30 h 0 h
Exercises 26 h 0 h

Teaching language


Modes of study

Written examination, a certain number of weekly exercises and two project works.


Numeric 1-5.

Recommended year of study

1. year autumn

Study materials

  1. Wikla, A., Ohjelmoinnin perusteet Java-kielellä. OtaData
  2. Deitel, H. & Deitel, P., Java, How to Program. Prentice Hall.

Further information

A corresponding course has previously been lectured under the title "Elementary Course in Programming".

Belongs to following study modules

Tietojenkäsittelytieteiden laitos
Joint Basic Studies (Tietojenkäsittelyoppi)
Tietojenkäsittelytieteiden laitos
Joint Basic Studies (Vuorovaikutteinen teknologia)
Tietojenkäsittelytieteiden laitos
Matematiikan ja tilastotieteen laitos
Lääketieteellisen teknologian instituutti
Archived Teaching Schedule. Please refer to current Teaching Shedule.
Tietojenkäsittelytieteiden laitos