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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2007–2009
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RSTP3 Culture and Literature 3–5 op
Organised by
Russian Studies

Learning outcomes

Offers basic knowledge of culture and literature (literature, popular culture, philosophy, religion etc.) of Russia and the Soviet Union.


Basic course on Russian culture and literature.

Modes of study

Evaluation and evaluation criteria

Numeric 1-5.
Numerical grading scale 1-5 Pass/Fail -grading based on overall performance.

Study materials

Lahusen, T. & Dobrenko, E. (eds.), Socialist Realism without Shores. 1997; Brown, D., Last Years of Soviet Russian Literature. Prose Fiction 1975-1991. 1993; Kelly, C. & Shepherd, D. (eds.), Constructing Russian Culture in the Age of Revolution, 1881-1940. 1998; Epstejn, M.N., After the Future: The Paradoxes of Postmodernism and Contemporary Russian Culture. 1997; Epstejn, M.N., Russian Postmodernism: New Perspectives on Post-Soviet Culture. 1999; Hellberg-Hirn, E, Imperial Imprints: Post-Soviet St. Petersburg. 2003; Stites, R., Revolutionary Dreams. Utopian Vision and Experimental Life in the Russian Revolution. 1998; Clark, K., Soviet Novel: History as Ritual. 1981; Fitzpatric, S., Cultural Front: Power and Culture in Revolutionary Russia. 1992; Figes, O., Natasha’s Dance. A Cultural History of Russia. 2002; Kelly, C. & Shepherd, D. (eds.), Russian Cultural Studies. An Introduction. 1998; Nakhimovsky, A.D. & Nakhimovsky, A.S. (eds.), The Semiotics of Russian Cultural History: Essays by Jurii M. Lotman, Lidiia Ia. Ginzburg, Boris Usp. 1985; Condee, N., Soviet Hieroglyphics. Visual Culture in Late Twentieth-Century Russia. 1995; Hellberg-Hirn, E., Soil and Soul. The Symbolic World of Russianness. 1998.

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International School of Social Sciences
International School of Social Sciences
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