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Archived Curricula Guide 2011–2012
Curricula Guide is archieved. Please refer to current Curricula Guides
AIKAS12 Social Movements and Civil Society 4 ECTS
Organised by
Adult Education and Education

Teaching methods

Teaching method Contact Online
Seminar 21 h 0 h

Teaching language


Modes of study


Numeric 1-5.

Study materials

Brookfield, S., The Power of Critical Theory. JosseyBass/John Wiley. 2005.

Finger, M. & Asún, J., Adult Education at the Crossroads. Learning Our Way Out. NIACE: Zed 32 Books. 2001.

Foley, G., Learning in Social Action. NIACE: Zed Books. 1999.

Holst, J., Social Movements, Civil Society and Radical Adult Education. Bergin & Garvey. 2002.

Hyvärinen M., Kurunmäki J., Palonen K., Pulkkinen T. ja Stenius H. (toim.), Käsitteet liikkeessä. Vastapaino. 2003. (Sovittavin osin)

Rasimus, A., Uudet liikkeet. Radikaali kansalaisaktivismi 1990-luvun Suomessa. 2006. Verkossa osoitteessa: TUP.http://acta.uta.fi/teos.phtml?10894

Belongs to following study modules

School of Education
School of Social Sciences and Humanities
Archived Teaching Schedule. Please refer to current Teaching Shedule.
School of Education