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Archived Curricula Guide 2008–2010
Curricula Guide is archieved. Please refer to current Curricula Guides
SOSPS1B The Classics of Sociology 12 ECTS

Learning outcomes

Students become familiar with the history of learning in sociology as well as with certain central classics written on social thinking, and improve their knowledge of the history of learning in their own field.

Modes of study


Numeric 1-5.

Study materials

1. Koivisto, Key Ideas in sociology. Pine Forge Press 1997. 2. History of Finnish social thinking, completed in some manner agreed upon with the examiner. Select also three of the following: 3. Durkheim, Sosiaalisesta työnjaosta. Tammi 1985, OR Durkheim, Itsemurha. Tammi 1985. 4. Marx, Pääoma osastot I-V. Progress 1974. 5. Weber, : Protestanttinen etiikka ja kapitalismin henki. WSOY 1980, OR Weber, Maailmanuskonnot ja moderni länsimainen rationaalisuus. Vastapaino 1989. 6. Simmel Pieni sosiologia. Tutkijaliitto 1999, OR Simmel,: Rahan filosofia. Doroga 1997 OR Simmel, Suurkaupunki ja moderni elämä. Gaudeamus 2005. There is also a possibility for other literature to be agreed upon with the examiner.

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Department of Pori
Archived Teaching Schedule. Please refer to current Teaching Shedule.
Department of Pori