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Archived Curricula Guide 2011–2012
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VALTP3 Political Activity 5 ECTS

Learning outcomes

To understand key questions and theories related to political activity.


Students will become familiar with the various forms and types of political activity.

Modes of study

Lectures, a book exam (see literature) and/or a compensatory essay to be agreed on with the teacher in charge.


Numeric 1-5.

Study materials

Micheletti, Political Virtue and Shopping. Palgrave 2003 (2 ECTS);
Lappalainen, Poliittisen tyylin taito. Vastapaino 2002 (1 ECTS);
, Future Active. Routledge 2003 (2 ECTS)

Belongs to following study modules

School of Management
Basic Studies (Political Science)
School of Management