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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2008–2010
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KTALS221 Special Courses in International Economics and Finance 3–22 op
Organised by
Person in charge
Professor Hannu Laurila and assistant Markku Konttinen
Preceding studies
1. Microeconomic Theory (master´s level) 2. Macroeconomic Theory (master´s level)

Learning outcomes

To learn the principles of international economics, corporate finance and financial markets.


International trade. International macroeconomics. Monetary economics. Banking. Corporate finance.

Teaching methods

Teaching method Contact Online
Independent work

There may be courses in International Economics and Finance lectured in English. To find this out please take a look at the department´s web-pages http://www.uta.fi/laitokset/talti/english/studies.htm
(Courses Offered in English).

Teaching language


Modes of study

1. Lectured courses (own exams)
2. Book exams and essays

One book is usually 3 ECTS and one lectured course is usually 6 ECTS. The book exams are based on the literature below. For more information, contact the person(s) in charge.

Note: Book exams are available only on predeterminen dates. See the exam schedule (tenttiaikataulu) of economics. Prior negotiation (and agreement) with the professor is obligatory.


Numeric 1-5.

Study materials

1. Brealey-Myers- Allen: Principles of Corporate Finance, 9th ed., 2008.
2. Blake: Financial Market Analysis, 2nd ed., 2000.
3. Blinder: Central Banking in Theory and Practice, 1999.
4. Bodie-Kane-Marcus: Investments, 2005.
5. DeGrauwe: Economics of Monetary Union, 7th ed., 2007.
6. Dixit-Pindyck: Investment under Uncertainty, 1994.
7. Grinblatt-Titman: Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy, 2002.
8. Krugman-Obstfeld: International Economics, Theory and Policy, 7th ed., 2006 (or newer edition).
9. Obstfeld-Rogoff: Foundations of International Macroeconomics, 1996.
10. Sarno-Taylor: Economics of Exchange Rates, 2003.
11. Saunders-Cornett: Financial Institutions Management,. A Risk Management Approach, 2003.

Belongs to following study modules

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Special Courses (Kansantaloustiede)
Archived Teaching Schedule. Please refer to current Teaching Shedule.