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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2008–2010
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VALTA1 Political Theory 5 op
Organised by
Political Science
Person in charge
Senior Assistant

Learning outcomes

To introduce students to two classic texts in political theory and to research on these texts. In addition, the module will provide a basic understanding of research on political theories.


Becoming familar with research on political theory and with classic texts in the field.

Modes of study

Lectures, a book exam (see literature) and/or a compensatory essay to be agreed on with the teacher in charge.


Numeric 1-5.

Study materials

A compulsory book for all students: Hyrkkänen: Aatehistorian mieli. Vastapaino 2002 (1 ECTS).

In addition, one book (2 ECTS per book) from the classics (group A) and one from the modern classics (group B):

Group A: Classics 1. Aristoteles-research: Sihvola: Hyvän elämän politiikka. Tutkijaliitto 1994. 2. Machiavelli-research: Skinner: Machiavelli. Oxford University Press 1981. 3. Hobbes-research: Tuck: Hobbes. Oxford University Press 1989. 4. Locke-research: Lloyd: Locke on Government. Routledge 1995.

Group B: Modern classics 1. Arendt-research: Canovan: Hannah Arendt: A Reinterpretation of Her political Thought. Cambridge University Press 1995. 2. Schmitt-research: Ojakangas: Carl Schmitt and the Political Thought of Late Modernity. SoPhi 2004. 3. Oakeshott-research: Soininen: From a 'Necessary Evil' to an Art of Contingency. Michael Oakeshott's Conception of Political Activity in British Postwar Political Thought. Jyväskylä Studies in Education, Psychology and Social Research no 231 2003.

Belongs to following study modules

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Intermediate Studies (Valtio-oppi)
Archived Teaching Schedule. Please refer to current Teaching Shedule.
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