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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2009–2011
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HISOA2 Special Courses 15 op

General description

Special courses concentrate on the different approaches and on the different thematic fields of the historical reseach.

Learning outcomes

To deepen students' historical knowledge and understanding of the connections between historical phenomena and the general significance of historical knowledge. Students also gain a factual and theoretical basis for their own research projects.


Students may choose to concentrate on specific historical themes and phenomena or alternatively compile a versatile comparative study plan.

Studies can be completed by taking lectures or book exams, by study circles or by writing essays. An essay can be based on the literature mentioned below. The topic must be negotiated with the teacher in charge of the course in beforehand.

Special courses are loosely structured by three thematic strands: society, politics and culture.

Teaching language


Modes of study

As a rule, book exams must be completed in accordance with the list of literature and the scope (ECTS) mentioned.

Alternative literature or different performances concentrating on for example Finnish history, general history, some theme, culture or time period must be negotiated separately with the teacher in charge of the course.


Numeric 1-5.

Study materials

Supplementary literature: A. Society Social relationships Stearns Peter, Industrial Revolution in World History (1993) and Haapala Pertti, Tehtaan valossa (1986) 6 ECTS Hohenberg Pal M. & Hollen Lees Lynn, Making of Urban Europe 1000-1994 (1995) or (2002); Hietala Marjatta & Nilsson Lars (eds.), Women in towns (1999); Sulkunen, Naisen kutsumus (1989) 7 ECTS Garnsey, P. & Saller, R., The Roman Empire. Economy, Society, Culture (1987 or newer); Ward-Perkins B, The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilization (2005); Reynolds S., Kingdoms and Communities in Western Europe 900-1300 (1997) 7 ECTS Economy and environment Cameron Rondo, Maailman taloushistoria (1995); Kuisma Markku, Metsäteollisuuden maa. Suomi, metsät ja kansainvälinen järjestelmä 1620-1920 (1993) and Peltonen Matti, Talolliset ja torpparit. Vuosisadan maatalouskysymys Suomessa (1992) 7 ECTS Pounds N. J. G., An Historical Geography of Europe (1990); Ponting Clive, Green History of the World (1992) and McNeill W., Kansat ja kulkutaudit (2004) 7 ECTS Everyday life Braudel Fernand, Civilization and Capitalism, 15th –18th century, Vol I: Structures of Everyday Life (1992; also in French and Swedish); Heikkinen Antero, Kirveskansan elämää. Ihmiskohtaloita Kuhmon erämaassa 1800-luvun alussa. (1998) and Ginzburg Carlo, Johtolankoja (1996) 7 ECTS Abrams, L., The Making of Modern Woman; Häggman Kai, Perheen vuosisata: perheen ihanne ja sivistyneistön elämäntapa 1800-luvun Suomessa (1994); Cunningham H. Children and Childhood in Western Society Since 1500 (1995) 7 ECTS B. Politics Political movements Alapuro Risto et al. (ed.), Kansa liikkeessä (1987); Vares Vesa, Varpuset ja pääskyset, 2000 and Offen Karen, European Feminisms 1700-1950 (2000) 7 ECTS Pakkasvirta Jussi & Saukkonen Pasi (eds.), Nationalismit (2005); Yuval-Davis Nira, Gender and Nation. (1997); Sulkunen Irma, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura 1831-1892 (2004) 7 ECTS Vincent Andrew, Modern political ideologies (1995); Sassoon Donald, One Hundred Years of Socialism. The Western European Left in the Twentieth Century (1996); Suvanto Pekka, Konservatismi Ranskan vallankumouksesta nykypäivään (1994) 8 ECTS State and revolution Tilly Charles, European Revolutions: 1492-1992 (1995); Katajala Kimmo., Suomalainen kapina. Talonpoikaislevottomuudet ja poliittinen kulttuuri Suomessa Ruotsin ajalla n. 1150-1800 (2002); Cameron Euan (ed.), Early Modern Europe. An Oxford History. (1999) 7 ECTS Hobsbawm Eric: Äärimmäisyyksien aika. Lyhyt 1900-luku (1914-1991) (1999); Kershaw Ian: The Nazi Dictatorship (2000); Bourke Joanna: An Intimate History of Killing (1999) 7 ECTS International politics Hentilä Seppo, Kaksi Saksaa ja Suomi (2003); Best Anthony, Hanhimäki Jussi M., Maiolo Joseph A., Schulze Kirsten E.: International History of the Twentieth Century (2004) 6 ECTS Ferro Marc, Colonization – A Global History (1997); Phillips J.R- Thornton J., African and Africans in the Making of the Atlantic World 1400-1680; Andersen Roy, Seibert Robert F., Wagner Jon G., Politics and Change in the Middle East: Sources of Conflict and Accommodation (2003) 8 ECTS Urwin Derek, The Community of Europe: A History of European Integration since 1945 (1995); Lundestad Geir: “Empire” by Integration. The United States and European Integration, 1945-1997(1998); Kuisma Markku, Kylmä sota, kuuma öljy. Neste, Suomi ja kaksi Eurooppaa. (1997) 7 ECTS C. Culture Cultures Rietbergen Peter, A Cultural History of Europe (1998); Vihavainen Timo (ed.), Venäjän kahdet kasvot. Venäjä-kuva suomalaisen identiteetin rakennuskivenä (2004) 7 ECTS Sihvola Juha, Maailmankansalaisen etiikka (2004), Hämeen-Anttila Jaakko, Islamin käsikirja (2004); Lewis Bernard, The Muslim Discovery of Europe (2001) 7 ECTS Bentley Jerry H., Old World Encounters. Cross-Cultural Contacts and Exchanges in Pre-Modern Times (1993); Cartledge P., The Greeks (1993 or newer); Huskinson J. (ed.), Experiencing Rome. Culture, Identity, Power in the Roman Empire (2000) 7 ECTS Science Mazlish B., The Uncertain Sciences (1998 or newer); Jacob Margaret C., Scientific Culture and the Making of the Industrial West. (1997) ) and Rossi P., The Birth of Modern Science (2001) 7 ECTS Misa Thomas J., Leonardo to Internet. Technology and Culture from the Renaissance to the Present (2004); Mokyr Joel, The Lever of Riches (1992); Suominen J., Koneen kokemus. Tietoteknistyvä kulttuuri modernisoituvassa Suomessa 1920-luvulta 1970 luvulle. (2003) 7ECTS World View Krötzl Christian, Pietarin ja Paavalin nimissä (2004); McLeod Hugh, Secularisation in the Western Europe 1848-1914 (2000); Markkola, Pirjo: Synti ja siveys (2002) 7 ECTS Muir Edward, Ritual in Early Modern Europe (1997 or newer); Zemon Davis Natalie, Kolme naista: kolme elämää 1600-luvulla (1997); Barry Jonathan & Davies Owen, Palgrave Advances in Witchcraft Historiography (2007) 7 ECTS Douglas Mary, Puhtaus ja vaara. Ritualistisen rajanvedon analyysi (2000); Foucault Michel: Tarkkailla ja rangaista (1980 or newer); Matikainen Olli, Veren perijät. Väkivalta ja yhteisön murros itäisessä Suomessa 1500-1600-luvulla (2002) 7 ECTS

Belongs to following study modules

Historiatieteen ja filosofian laitos
Politiikan tutkimuksen laitos
Archived Teaching Schedule. Please refer to current Teaching Shedule.
Historiatieteen ja filosofian laitos