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Archived Curricula Guide 2007–2009
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ESPFP7 History of the literature of Spain 3 ECTS
Organised by
Spanish Language

Learning outcomes

To introduce students to the history of the Spanish language and to broaden vocabularies.


This course covers the most important trends of Spanish literature, all the way to the 20th century, and takes a closer look at five literary pieces of work.

Modes of study

Lectures, and writing a literary review on a topic of students' own choosing. Can also be completed by taking an exam on Lázaro-Tusón's Literatura española 2 (6-288) and by writing a paper on a literary piece of work, in accordance with the teacher's instructions. Students can choose their book for example from these: Anónimo: La vida del Lazarillo de Tormes, M. de Cervantes: Novelas ejemplares (cuatro a elegir); P. Calderón de la Barca: La vida es sueño. G. A. Bécquer: Rimas;. José de Espronceda: El estudiante de Salamanca; José de Zorrilla: Don Juan Tenorio; J. Valera: Pepita Jiménez; B. P. Galdós: Nazarín; Antonio Machado: Campos de Castilla; M. de Unamuno: San Manuel bueno, mártir; J. Ramón Jiménez: Platero y yo; R. del Valle Inclán: Sonata de otoño o Pío Baroja: Fantasías vascas.

Evaluation and evaluation criteria

Numeric 1-5.
Evaluation by essay and book exam.

Study materials

Lázaro-Tusón, Literatura Española 2; Valbuena, Historia de la literatura española I-VI.
Archived Teaching Schedule. Please refer to current Teaching Shedule.
School of Modern Languages and Translation Studies