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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2008–2010
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WSB2B Images and Representations of Gender 7 op
Organised by
Women's Studies/ISSS

Learning outcomes

The students are able to distinguish common representations and images of gender and sexuality in the Western societies.


Book exam or an essay. Before writing the essay, please consult the teacher in charge. Please choose three books in the list for the book exam.

Teaching language


Modes of study


Numeric 1-5.

Study materials

Cameron & Kulik: Language and Sexuality. Cambridge University Press 2003.

Dyer: The Matter of Images: Essays on Representation. Routledge 2002.

Halberstam: Female Masculinity. Duke University Press 1998.

hooks: Black Looks. Race and Representation. South End Press 1992.

Koivunen: Performative Histories, Foundational Fictions: Gender and Sexuality in
Niskavuori Films. SKS 2003.

McDonald: Representing Women: Myths of femininity in the popular media. Arnold 1995.

Walters: Material Girls. Making Sense of Feminist Cultural Theory. University of California Press 1995.

Belongs to following study modules

International School of Social Sciences
Archived Teaching Schedule. Please refer to current Teaching Shedule.
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