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Archived Curricula Guide 2011–2012
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VALTP2 Introduction to Scientific Writing and Sources of Political Research 5 ECTS
Organised by
Political Science
Preceding studies
Degree/major subject students: YYHT5 Basics of Information Seeking and YYHT2 History and Ideas of the Western Intellectual Tradition in the General Studies.

General description

A course for students majoring in Political Science and for students proceeding to the Intermediate Studies of Political Science. Minor students who only complete the subject studies are tested for the compensatory literature on a general examination day (see the list of literature below).

Learning outcomes

To introduce students to different types of research material and to current debates in political science. Students also learn the basic principles of scientific writing.


The students learn how to write scientific texts and become familiar with various kinds of data used in political science.

Teaching methods

Introductory lecture 10 h + practice classes 24 h.

Modes of study

For degree/major subject students: introductory lectures 10 h, practice classes 24 h, and a written exam.
For minor subject students: a book exam (see literature) and/or a compensatory essay to be agreed on with the teacher in charge.


Numeric 1-5.

Study materials

In connection with this course, students are tested for agreed sections from: Kinnunen - Löytty (eds.): Tieteellinen kirjoittaminen. Vastapaino 2002.

The minor subject students who only complete the subject studies are tested for the following books in a general literature examination of the school:

1. Hänninen - Palonen (eds.), Lue poliittisesti. SoPhi (1 ECTS)
2. Leftwich (ed.), What is Politics. Polity Press (2 ECTS)
3. Paloheimo - Wiberg, Politiikan perusteet. WSOY Chapters 1-6 (2 ECTS)

Belongs to following study modules

School of Management
Basic Studies (Political Science)
School of Management